Monday, June 8, 2015


Grade-Level Standards:
6.C.1.1 Compare and contrast ancient forms of government

Student Friendly Language:
I can compare and contrast the different forms of ancient government.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • Democracy
  • Republic
  • Empire
  • Monarchy
Different civilizations developed different governments.
Describe different forms of government.

My questions with this one... should these be added to the KNOW? Patriarchal system, Oligarchy, and Tyranny?

I think maybe the Do should be amped up a little too... maybe something like: Compare and contrast ancient forms of government. & Create an argument for one of the ancient forms stating why its the superior form of goverment... or something like that. So that they dont just have to compare/contrast but also do something with their findings?


  1. I like that idea. Maybe make a case for? Or is that too lesson-planny?

  2. I like that idea. Maybe make a case for? Or is that too lesson-planny?
