Monday, June 8, 2015


Grade-Level Standards:
6.C.1.1 Compare and contrast ancient forms of government

Student Friendly Language:
I can compare and contrast the different forms of ancient government.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • Democracy
  • Republic
  • Empire
  • Monarchy
Different civilizations developed different governments.
Describe different forms of government.

My questions with this one... should these be added to the KNOW? Patriarchal system, Oligarchy, and Tyranny?

I think maybe the Do should be amped up a little too... maybe something like: Compare and contrast ancient forms of government. & Create an argument for one of the ancient forms stating why its the superior form of goverment... or something like that. So that they dont just have to compare/contrast but also do something with their findings?


Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.5.3 Utilize primary and secondary sources and examine the credibility and intent of those sources

Student Friendly Language:
I can look at evidence from past civilizations by using a variety of historical documents (including narratives) and know the difference between fact and opinion to help gain an understanding of that time period.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • definition of primary source
  • definition of secondary source
  • definition of a fact
  • definition of an opinion
  • Key events
  • Important people
History is a process of reasoning based on evidence from the past, and their research will incorporate a variety of sources including narratives, technology, historical maps, visual/mathematical data, etc.
Explain how historians use a variety of credible sources.

Read historical passages to identify factual knowledge.

Compare and contrast historical perspectives based on proof.

Identify the role of the individual in history and the significance of one person’s ideas from credible sources.

Use themes of history to study patterns of change using credible sources.

Create a historical narrative to explain events or issues over time using primary and secondary sources.

Identify the social structures of various ancient civilizations using primary and secondary sources.
My comments:

I wonder if the Know couldn't be changed to the following?

  • Primary Source
  • Secondary Source
  • Fact
  • Opinion
  • Credibility
  • Bias

Also, could the understand statement be shortened? Could it end with "from the past"? Is all the rest really needed?

Are all the Do's needed? Could the one that says "Compare and contrast historical perspectives based on proof". Do we need to say "based on proof"? Isnt that to be determined by the student as part of a credible source?

Is this one necessary? "Use themes of history to study patterns of change using credible sources." Does it follow the standard?


Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.5.1 Identify the difference between a compelling question and supporting questions

Student Friendly Language:
*I can read material from the past and come up with a question about its overall main idea.
*I can ask other questions that help me understand what events led to the main idea of the passage.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • key dates and
  • important people
When given a passage about the past, you can generate a question about the main idea of that passage and the details that support it.
Construct a multi-tiered timeline of key events.

Explain the main idea and details supporting it.

Illustrate the main idea.

Debate issues that support the main idea.

Construct a model based on the main idea.

Role-play a person in history modeling specific details.

Research information using a jigsaw approach that supports the main idea.

Use multimedia to help answer questions for a research project.

Create a case study of a specific aspect of a civilization and question the who, what, where, when, and why.

Create small discussion groups about specific concepts of the studied civilization.
My questions/comments with this standard:
For the SFL...Maybe something like : I can recognize the difference between a compelling question and a supporting question. ... would be better?
For the I would just put: Compelling. Supporting. I would leave out the other key d.ates, events, and people.

Do you think all the Do's relate to the standard? Are they even necessary?
Does the Understand relate or should it be more specific with "compelling" and "supporting"?


Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.5.2 Determine whether a source is appropriate for answering compelling and supporting questions

Student Friendly Language:
I can give reasons why historians use many different resources to identify who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to the development, and what was the outcome.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • essential vocabulary
  • key events
  • important dates
  • featured people
  • definition of primary source
  • definition of secondary source
Information from various sources can help summarize the main idea and answer questions that support that idea or event.
Use primary and secondary sources and questioning techniques to find information about an event/person.

Cite sources.

Debate important topics using questioning techniques and evidence.

Compare and contrast events.

Write about why a civilization exists and why people should be a part of it based on who, what, where, when, and why?

State the similarities and differences among key figures in civilizations.

Describe ancient civilization legends and stories and state their impact on civilizations.

Create a visual representation of a key element or figure of an ancient civilization with details.
My questions with this standard: 
For the SFL...maybe something like this would be less specific? I can decide which source is appropriate for answering historical questions?
For the Know...could this just be Primary source and Secondary source. Maybe you want to add "credible source, and "Bias".... because everything else is subject to whatever is being taught right? 
Are all the Do's necessary?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.2.1 Analyze the development and cultural contributions that gave rise to the earliest human communities

Student Friendly Language:
I can describe the early cultural development and contributions of humankind and how they helped form the earliest human communities.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • early societies developed out of need
  • artifacts and fossils are links to the past
  • the first humans were nomadic
  • domestication of plants and animals changed early human life
  • specialization
  • Paleolithic
  • Neolithic
Paleolithic people adapted to their environment and invented many tools for their survival.

Paleolithic people were the first people to use technology-- tools and methods to perform tasks.  
Paleolithic people used art for communication and expression.

Neolithic people developed a spoken language.
Neolithic people started farming, building communities, producing goods, and trading.
Describe early cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the agriculture revolution.

Identify patterns of human settlement with examples of the influence environmental factors.

My question with this standard is could the Know be worded more simply?
Like this :
Job Specialization

and leave out the first bullet because its idea is covered in Understand?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.4.1 Consider alternative courses of action or outcomes for historical events

Student Friendly Language:
I can compare and contrast historical and current events/issues and explain how different courses of action could have changed them.

I am wondering why current events in in the student language when it is not referenced in the standard- I think it should be in the do?
Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.2.4 Analyze the development and cultural contributions that gave rise to economic systems and political institutions

Student Friendly Language:

I can evaluate developments and cultural contributions that influenced financial systems and governments.

I can  examine developments and the cultural contributions that lead the way for financial (economic) systems and government (political) organizations (institutions).

My suggestions in bold 

Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.2.3 Analyze the development and cultural contributions including large-scale empires and major religions

Student Friendly Language:
I can evaluate multiple causes of events and developments, with an emphasis on large empires and major religions
I can break into parts for examination, the development and cultural contributions of large-scale empires and major religions.
A similar awkward sentence- bold is my change- italics is the original. The bold is dimension 2 wording from the C3 Framework. Let me know what you think. 

Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.2.2 Analyze the development and cultural contributions that gave rise to the agrarian societies

Student Friendly Language:
I can break into parts for examination, the development and cultural contributions that promoted the rise in ownership of land and agriculture.
This one was awkward in the wording so I changed it on the doc from the wording above to: I can explain multiple causes and effects of developments and cultural contributions that promoted the rise in ownership of land and agriculture." Not sure if this is exactly right so let me know what you think. 

I am jumping back over to Dimension 2 in the C3 Framework -
in referencing the specific disciplinary connections while holding true to the work of our fellow writers. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SD Social Studies State Standards Disaggregated Template

US History
K-12 Anchor Standard:
K-12.H.1   Students will analyze how major events are chronologically connected and evaluate their impact on one another.
Grade Level:
High School

Grade-Level Standards:
9-12.H.1.4 Analyze how individuals and groups reacted to social, political, and economic problems in the U.S. from Reconstruction through the Progressive Era. (Courses: Modern, Comprehensive)

Student Friendly Language:
I can demonstrate how various Americans dealt with the problems in the U.S. after the Civil War.

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • Reconstruction Era
  • Guilded Age
  • Progressive Era
  • key groups of the time
  • key individuals of the time
  • social, political, economic issues
  • how society addressed these problems
Americans faced and overcame numerous challenges.

Approaches to the challenges the U.S. faced varied between groups and individuals.
Investigate various problems and evaluate how various groups and individuals dealt with these obstacles.

We have been referencing this work in our district as teacher teams are writing curriculum and assessments. I am noticing some issues with some the disaggregation work as we go along. It is likely I will be posting quite a few more, so apologies in advance.

The student friendly language leaves this open to the present where the standard frames the time period and I'm wondering about the term demonstrate. I like the Do. I think we need to beef up the understand- perhaps a connection with reconstruction to the growth if the industrial US?  and Gilded is spelled incorrectly. A "Do" to the effect of-- use questions to assess the significance of Progressive era groups on historical problems and the lasting impact to society.....