SD Social Studies State Standards Disaggregated Template
US History
K-12 Anchor Standard:
K-12.H.1 Students will analyze how major events are chronologically connected and evaluate their impact on one another.
Grade Level:
High School
Grade-Level Standards:
9-12.H.1.4 Analyze how individuals and groups reacted to social, political, and economic problems in the U.S. from Reconstruction through the Progressive Era. (Courses: Modern, Comprehensive)
Student Friendly Language:
I can demonstrate how various Americans dealt with the problems in the U.S. after the Civil War.
The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
Reconstruction Era
Guilded Age
Progressive Era
key groups of the time
key individuals of the time
social, political, economic issues
how society addressed these problems
Americans faced and overcame numerous challenges.
Approaches to the challenges the U.S. faced varied between groups and individuals.
Investigate various problems and evaluate how various groups and individuals dealt with these obstacles.
We have been referencing this work in our district as teacher teams are writing curriculum and assessments. I am noticing some issues with some the disaggregation work as we go along. It is likely I will be posting quite a few more, so apologies in advance.
The student friendly language leaves this open to the present where the standard frames the time period and I'm wondering about the term demonstrate. I like the Do. I think we need to beef up the understand- perhaps a connection with reconstruction to the growth if the industrial US? and Gilded is spelled incorrectly. A "Do" to the effect of-- use questions to assess the significance of Progressive era groups on historical problems and the lasting impact to society.....