Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grade-Level Standards:
6.H.4.1 Consider alternative courses of action or outcomes for historical events

Student Friendly Language:
I can compare and contrast historical and current events/issues and explain how different courses of action could have changed them.

I am wondering why current events in in the student language when it is not referenced in the standard- I think it should be in the do?


  1. and I am questioning the KUDs
    essential vocabulary
    geographic locations
    significant people
    importance of water and agriculture
    social cultures
    economic contributions
    important people
    Ancient Civilizations had an enormous impact on the modern Eastern Hemisphere.
    Construct a multi-tiered timeline and interpret the past in regards to the present.

    Analyze information from many sources of media to summarize and make generalizations about how the present has been influenced by the past.

    Communicate a position on a topic and provide evidence to support that position.

  2. I agree Michelle, I don't think the student friendly language equals the standard.

  3. I've seen in the KNOW where people are listing "essential vocabulary". Is this really needed? Aren't most teachers going to automatically add whatever essential vocabulary is needed??? I dont think its needed. If it is, then it should be added to all the standards, right?
