Monday, May 18, 2015

9-12.C.1.1 - Suggested Edits/Questions

Original Version

Grade-Level Standards:
9-12.C.1.1 Rationalize the purposes of government throughout world history through the use of compelling questions

Student Friendly Language:
I can use questioning to explain what purpose a government serves to its people.  

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • ideals of government
  • monarchy
  • oligarchy
  • autocracy
The creation of different governments throughout history and their impact on the US government.

There are many reasons for the creation of governments throughout history.

The US government has been impacted by multiple government theories and ideals.
Distinguish the various origins of governmental authority, how it came to exist, and the need for government.

Make a specific application from a historical governing theory or ideal on the current US government.

 Suggested Edits

Grade-Level Standards:
9-12.C.1.1 Rationalize the purposes of government throughout world history through the use of compelling questions

Student Friendly Language:
I can use questioning to explain what purpose a government serves to its people.  

The students will understand that:
(Procedural, Application, Extended Thinking)
  • Ideals of government
  • Purposes of government
  • Evolution theory
  • Force theory
  • Divine Right theory
  • Social Contract theory
The creation of different governments throughout world history can be understood through theory and context.

There are many reasons for the creation of different government functions throughout world history.

The U.S. and other governments have been impacted by multiple government theories and ideals.
Identify and describe the various theories of governmental authority

Create and utilize compelling questions about the purpose of government

Apply a historical governing theory or ideal on the current U.S. and other governments.

Rationale: The standard asks students to "rationalize" that is explain the purpose of government and do so through compelling questions e.g. What different situations cause groups of associated people to need government?  This leads to the theories of government.  I also reworked some of the Understand and Do phrases to better reflect this.  The original version also had a U.S. focus though the standard does not express that so I made other minor adjustments. Let me know what you think of my edits.


  1. I think your changes look good, should the last sentence in the understand section say "governments HAVE" ?

    1. You are correct! I'll make that change. I missed that in my editing.

  2. My only thought about this is that the standard includes the word question, and it isn't clearly carried into the KUD?

  3. Couldn't the create a compelling question in the "do" work?

  4. The edits look great. However, I really, really like "Distinguish the various origins of governmental authority, how it came to exist, and the need for government." It is very well written, and I believe it should be included in the final draft. As for the work question, I would like to see compelling questions taken out of the "know". You have it in the "understand" portion. I think it is implied in the "understand" section. These are just my thoughts:) Looks great

    1. I don't particularly think it was very well written as it is. It's three different ideas that need to be separated. But I see your point about it's inclusion in terms of not leaving behind this idea of "need for government." The phrase: "Distinguish the various origins of governmental authority" is replaced with "Identify and describe the various theories of governmental authority." This implies origins but makes no assumption on the teacher. As for "how it came to exist" I assume this is referring to "governmental authority." If students explore the various theories that may come organically. As for "and the need for government" it's a different idea than the origins. So I addressed that by alleging students will create and utilize questions about the purpose of government. The purpose will hopefully explain the need.

      I completely agree with taking compelling questions out of the "know" section.

      I will do that.
